CSAS Elementary School
Syracuse, NY 13207
CSAS Middle School
Liverpool, NY 13088
Thursday, June 16th, 2022—As the 2021 - 2022 school year closes, many families have inquired about Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT), Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT), and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
New York State continues to distribute P-EBT food benefits to all households with eligible children who receive free school lunches under the National School Lunch Act. Here are significant updates to the distribution as of Monday, June 13th, 2022.
As a school district, please note that we are not involved with distributing the EBT, P-EBT, or SNAP funds. All the necessary reporting was submitted at the beginning of the school year. Unfortunately, we do not have any additional information and cannot answer any parent calls regarding P-EBT; therefore, calls do not need to be forwarded to the District Office.
For any additional information, please visit www.connectebt.com or call 1-888-328-6399
Tuesday, June 14th, 2022—Attention Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship Charter School Families:
There has been a calendar change for the last day of school for the 2021 - 2022 school year. The original last day of school was a half-day on Friday, June 24th. Please note this date has since changed! The new last day of school will be on Thursday, June 23rd, and will be a full day for all students.
Please feel free to contact your students' school directly with any questions about this change of date.
Monday, May 30th, 2022—In honor of Memorial Day, the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship Charter School salutes our fallen and gives thanks to the brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice serving in the country's armed forces.
In observance of Memorial Day, there will be no school on Monday, May 30th. Classes will resume on Tuesday, May 31st. Enjoy this long weekend, Atoms!
Friday, May 27th, 2022—Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship Charter Schools (SASCCS) is accepting applications for the 2022 - 2023 school year. Experience how we build success, One Atom at a time at our tuition-free charter school.
At SASCCS, students will receive individual attention through small class sizes, have opportunities for hands-on, minds-on learning experiences in a STEM environment, become involved in their community, and become college-ready.
Through SASCCS' small class sizes (and a small school environment), we create a family atmosphere where all staff members know each other and students' by name; and can provide a safe and controlled environment for our students and staff members.
SASCCS offers a glocal educational experience that allows its students to think globally and act locally through character education, mentorship programs, community service, field trips and activities, and various citizenship programs. These programs include inviting community leaders to speak with the students, community service drives, zero-tolerance bullying programs, and more. At all K- 7 levels, the school has a diverse student population from various backgrounds, races, and countries, resulting in a small-world community to promote its global and local educational mission.
What sets SASCCS apart from other schools in the area are the Home Visits. We believe that teachers, parents, and the environment affect students' success and performance. Therefore, parental involvement is a significant part of our school's strategic goal. Teachers perform home visits to understand the students' problems and abilities to create a better triad of parent-student-teacher relationships. During home visits, teachers encourage parents to take an active role in their student's learning at home.
We invite you to please click here to apply today! We are Many Atoms, One Family.
Thursday, May 26th, 2022—Dear Science Academies of New York (SANY) Community Members, parents, guardians, teachers, and students,
Words cannot express our sorrow and grief for the senseless tragedies that unfolded over these past few weeks. As we continue to mourn the lives of those lost in the Buffalo, we are now facing as a nation an atrocious event that unfolded yesterday at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Our hearts are heavy with grief, disbelief, and deepest condolences for those families and community members impacted by these two unfortunate events.
As a parent of four young children, I can only imagine what the families and community members in Uvalde, Texas, are feeling at this moment. No family should ever experience the pain of losing a child, especially in a school environment.
As a parent, guardian, student, teacher, or community member, you might wonder what steps we have in place for your child's security, safety, and well-being. First and foremost, our top priority remains the safety and well-being of all of our students, teachers, faculty, and staff.
To help ensure the safety of all, we keep our school doors locked and have visitor protocols in place; and each school building has a single point of entry that is monitored by staff. Security cameras are installed throughout our schools and outside our facilities.
In addition, we have a district safety coordinator who serves all of our schools, and we work collaboratively with local law enforcement to share information to keep our schools as safe as possible. We always strive to evaluate and improve our use of technology to facilitate prompt and effective communication within district buildings.
As a district, staff members have participated in multiple levels of active shooter training. This training focuses on what employees should do in the event of an active shooter in the district building. Schools also hold regularly planned lockdown drills to practice in the event of an emergency.
While the district has many procedures, tools, and plans in place, we must never become complacent when it comes to the safety of our students, teachers, faculty, and staff. Let this serve as an excellent time to remind all of us, especially students, that they should tell a trusted adult if they see or hear something concerning. The phrase "see something, say something" continues to hold significance, especially with the role social media plays in the lives of children and adolescents.
With these two recent tragedies, it has likely evoked many emotions in our school community. We recognize that some children react to tragic events such as these right away, while others respond much later and can vary by age. If you have any questions or concerns about best supporting your child, or if your child would like to speak with someone, please reach out to their teacher, counselors, or school administrators.
Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with Buffalo and the entire Uvalde community during this devastating time.
Dr. Tolga Hayali, ED.d
SANY Superintendent
Friday, May 20th, 2022—Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school invites you to join them in their free Basketball Clinic on Saturday, May 21st. Please see the times below.
During the Basketball Clinic, participants will have an opportunity to learn about the fundamentals of basketball, tour the school, meet with some of the staff, and learn about Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school.
Parents/guardians must stay on campus while the students participate in the event.
We hope you can join us!
Wednesday, April 20th, 2022—Have you ordered your 2022 Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school yearbook? If not, there is still time! There are two easy ways you can order your students’ yearbook today!
Please note that the yearbooks are $16.00, and the deadline to order is Saturday, April 30th. Order today to secure your copy of the 2022 Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school yearbook.
Monday, April 11th, 2022—Please be reminded that Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship Charter School will be closed from Monday, April 11th through Friday, April 15th for Spring Recess. We look forward to welcoming back the Atoms on Monday, April 18th!
Happy Spring Recess! Let your joy burst forth like flowers in the spring.
Tuesday, April 5th, 2022—Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship Charter School is excited to announce its 2022 - 2023 Student Lottery on Tuesday, April 12th at 11:00 AM, at the Syracuse Academy of Science High School gymnasium, 1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204.
For those not familiar with the Student Lottery, it is part of the admissions process required by New York State. Students will be randomly selected from all applicants for admission by lottery. Those who are not selected will be placed on the waiting list. Applicants are not required to be present to be chosen.
We hope you can join us!
Saturday, March 19th, 2022—Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school is excited to kick off the spring sports season with its new Lacrosse program. Open to all students; Atoms will learn the fundamentals of Lacrosse, good sportsmanship, and much more. Permission slips are due on Wednesday, 23rd. For more information, please contact Mr. McGriff at
Tuesday, March 15th, 2022—Discover what it means to be an Atom at Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school's Open House Event on Saturday, March 19th. Please see the times and grades below.
During each Open House event, families will have an opportunity to attend a parent information session, and receive a guided school tour. We hope you can join us!
Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school is currently accepting student applications for the 2022 - 2023 school year. Applications are due by April 1st.
<a class="sppb-btn sppb-btn-primary sppb-btn-lg sppb-btn-rounded" href="#" target="_blank">Click here to apply