CSAS Elementary School
Syracuse, NY 13207
CSAS Middle School
Liverpool, NY 13088
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023: Congratulations to the Citizenship Academy's Girl's modified basketball team on their first win in program history! Coach Martin has done an amazing job leading the team! The environment at the game was electrifying, and it felt like a college atmosphere, with our Pom-Dance team led by Coach Youker and Coach Fagan cheering and performing at halftime.
Thank you for your continued support of our growing program!
Thursday, February 9th, 2023: Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse continues our 28 Speakers event with Nyaasia Jones. Ms. Jones is an educator at Southside Academy Charter School. She spoke with first-grade students in Ms. Cutrone's class. She read them two books about teaching children to dream big. The books were about important African American leaders. You'll find heroes, role models, and people who did great things in both books. The students were very engaged and excited to share what they have been learning about Black History with her!
Thank you, Ms. Jones, for spending time with our 1st-grade Atoms!
Thursday, February 9th, 2023: Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse is celebrating Black History Month! In the music room, students are learning about black history through songs and stories celebrating black joy! Each grade level has a different focus. In Kindergarten, students are hearing stories about black musical artists like John Coltrane. Atoms in 2nd and 3rd grade are practicing a song written by Franklin Willis that was inspired by Martin Luther King JR's "I Have a Dream'' speech. In 4th and 5th grade, students are learning about freedom songs and writing their own medley.
Monday, February 6th, 2023: Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse elementary school is once again kicking off Black History Month with the annual 28 speakers event. The goal is for students to meet influential figures in our community and build meaningful relationships with them.
We were honored to have Nikki R. Jones speak with Ms. Sullivan’s 5th-grade class. Nikki talked about her profession as a Communication Strategist. She then had students do an exercise to think about what they want to be in the future. She had them imagine what they would wear, say, and how they would feel in their chosen career. Nikki R. Jones shared with students that it is important to feel good about their work. Atoms were very engaged and explained their career goals to her.
Thank you, Nikki R. Jones, for taking time out of your schedule to speak with our Atoms!
Monday, January 23rd, 2023: The Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse's Girl's Modified Basketball team had their 2nd game. They are learning the game's rules and improving their teamwork daily! We couldn't be more proud of the growth they continue to show. After all, teamwork makes the dream work!
Please check our Facebook for more pictures from the game.
Do you want to find out how we build success one atom at a time? Or how we create an environment that allows your child to shine with the individuality they deserve? Or that we focus on college curriculum from the minute your child walks through our doors?
If you’re looking for a diverse, intimate, challenging, and exciting school for your child, look no further than the Science Academies of New York (SANY) Charter Schools. We genuinely believe in our motto, “Many Atoms, One Family,” and we strive to give your child the best learning environment possible while making them feel part of our family. We want every student to walk through our doors and feel at home, like they belong.
And the best part? It’s tuition free. Find out how we are building success one atom at a time, and enroll your child now. The Science Academies of New York Charter Schools is accepting applications for the 2023-24 school year.
Apply here: http://apply.sany.org
All applications are due by April 1st, 2023.
Tuesday, January 24th, 2023: Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse celebrated National School Choice Week all week. The second day of the celebration was pajama day! Students wore their PJs and cuddled up in their classrooms while discussing character strengths.
Thanks for loving your school, Atoms!
Sunday, January 22nd, 2023: National School Choice Week is January 22–28th. We will celebrate our students, parents, teachers, and staff at Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse during the official celebration next week. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children while generating widespread public awareness of the importance of school choice.
Here are some of the fun events you can participate in:
Day 1- Spirit Day: SANY apparel
Day 2- Spirit Day: PJ Day “Cozy up with your school community”
Day 3- Spirit Day: Syracuse Gear Day “I love my community day”
Day 4- SANY Day “Big Goals, Big Dreams Day”
Day 5- Yellow Day! School Choice Celebration!
Thursday, December 15th, 2022: The third-grade class and Citizenship Academy chorus students gave a show-stopping performance during their winter concert! The theme, “Peace & Resilience,” couldn’t have been more spot on, and our young musicians performed beautifully. The drummers did a great job keeping the beat. Everyone deserves a standing ovation!
Please see our Facebook for more pictures from the performance.
Dear Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse Charter School Community,
How is it already Holiday Break? It seems like we were welcoming students back on campus for the new school year just yesterday. The end of the year is a time for reflection and remembrance. We are thankful for where we came from and have a moment to think about where we are going as we pursue the future with hope.
Therefore, I want to take some time to reflect on everything we have accomplished together so far this year.
Looking at that long list of accomplishments, it’s hard to believe we are only halfway through the year! We can tackle anything as long as we work together as many atoms, one family.
Happy holidays!
Dr. Tolga Hayali
SANY Superintendent
Thursday, December 1st, 2022: Citizenship Middle School hosted its first Awards Ceremony of the year. Students were recognized for their academic achievements in the first marking period. Awards included Merit Roll, Honor Roll, On a Roll, Most Improved, and a 7th grade Social Studies award. Teachers also recognized scholars for the November character trait of the month; gratitude. These scholars are thankful for what they have and show gratefulness daily.
Congratulations to all! Keep up the great work, atoms!
Please visit our Facebook for more pictures from the ceremony.