CSAS Elementary School
Syracuse, NY 13207
CSAS Middle School
Liverpool, NY 13088
Wednesday, June 1st, 2022—To celebrate their year in Kindergarten, this future class of 2034 teamed up and collaborated on a storybook that will one day become a New York Times Best-Seller.
Last month, students tested their teamwork skills when coming up with content for their storybook, 'Our Year in Kindergarten.' Each Atom was responsible for completing the sentence, 'my favorite part of kindergarten is...'
We are excited to announce that the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school kindergarteners are officially published, authors. Congratulations, Atoms; we are so proud of you and all you have accomplished.
Friday, May 20th, 2022—We promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, as the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship 6th-grade students visited the U.S. District Court (Northern District of New York in Syracuse) to learn about the judicial system and career opportunities in the legal industry.
During their visit, students toured the facility and met Honorable Wendy A. Kinsella, the United States Bankruptcy judge. Honorable Wendy Kinsella moderated the group's tour session and allowed the Atoms to visit her chambers.
Sunday, June 19th, 2022—Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there—whether you're a dad or like a dad. Your love is the greatest and most precious gift in the world.
In honor of Father's Day, we want to take this moment to wish all fathers a happy Father's Day. Thank you for all that you do in your Atoms' life. Happy Father's Day!
Friday, March 18th, 2022—We all may be familiar with the classic fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears. But have you ever seen a twist on this story performed by the ever-so-talented Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school 1st-grade ENL students?
Earlier this year, the Atoms practiced their reading and comprehension skills by reading the Goldilocks Reader's Theater Script. Students used class puppets to help retell the story to their fellow classmates. Keep up the great work, Atoms.
Click here to view part one of the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship 1st-grade ENL students' performance, and click here to view part two.
Thursday, May 12th, 2022—Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school's 5th-grade students practiced their research, presentation, and listening skills in the 'Scholar-Hour.'
Atoms selected one topic for this presentation project to present to their classmates and guest audience members. The presentation needed to answer three main guiding questions and fun facts about their chosen subject. While the Atoms were presenting, the audience members completed a form detailing their learning. The 'Scholar-Hour' was a fun exercise, project, and learning experience for all the students.
Friday, April 22nd, 2022—Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school participated in the 'Music in Our School's month,' where it hosted a school-wide art competition with the theme, 'Music: The Sound of My Heart.' This art competition was open to all students, and the Atoms flexed their creative muscles! Thanks to our panel of esteemed judges (aka teachers and staff), winners were selected based on how many votes their art piece received. Keep up the great work, Atoms! Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make this event possible.
Friday, April 29th, 2022—Kindness is the new classy, as the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school students are being recognized for their random acts of kindness throughout the year. Congratulations to Noa, Andiel, Shaniy, and Addey for receiving the Random Act of Kindness Award and two Kindness tickets. Way to put the 'I' in KIND, Atoms!
Saturday, June 4th, 2022—The Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school 5th and 6th-grade Atoms never 'cracked' under pressure when participating in the MOST’s annual Rocket Team Challenge held at Syracuse University's Skytop Field.
This STEM competition has the Junior Division (grades 4-8) and Senior Division (grades 9-12). To compete, the teams must design and assemble a model rocket kit provided by the MOST. Upon submittal of their rocket, each team is judged on the following criteria:
Awards are given to the top 4 highest scoring teams in each division, and the team who had the rocket fly the highest, land the farthest and closest to the launch site, had the best team name, etc.
Monday, May 23rd, 2022—Inspired by the historic Gees Bend Quilters, the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school 6th-grade Student Council members partnered with the non-profit organization Project Linus. Project Linus has provided over 8 million blankets to children in need since 1995.
Student Council members designed individual quilt squares and sent them to Project Linus for the project. In turn, Project Linus was able to create three gorgeous quilts which will bring joy and comfort to the lives of children. Please click here to visit our Facebook page to view additional pictures.
Wednesday, May 25th, 2022—It’s always a good time for the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school Atoms and ice cream! To celebrate the completion (and hard work) of NYSESLAT testing, Ms. O'Connor's ENL students, the Atoms enjoyed an ice cream social with friends near and dear. Keep up the great work, Atoms: we are so proud of you!
Friday, May 6th, 2022—Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school recognized its March and April students for outstanding work, leadership, academic achievements, and monthly character traits.
March's monthly character traits include enthusiasm, social intelligence, love of learning, and humor.
April's monthly character traits include identifying and appreciating the good in others, fairness, appreciation of beauty and excellence, and purpose.
We want to congratulate the students selected for March and April's Students of the Month ceremony! Keep up the great work, Atoms! Please click here to visit our Facebook page to view more pictures from the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school's Student of the Month celebration.