CSAS Elementary School
Syracuse, NY 13207
CSAS Middle School
Liverpool, NY 13088
Monday, November 6th, 2023: Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse 5th grade Atoms got to meet Sindu Mulukuri and Matt Bellinger, engineers in Air Traffic Management Safety and Efficiency from SAAB. They demonstrated the Aeroban Global Flight Manager software used at airports in the US and around the world.
The students learned the difference between a software engineer and a systems engineer and they really enjoyed asking questions about the speakers' jobs, education and how much money engineers earn.
Watch out! We may have a few future SAAB interns in our 5th grade class!
Friday, November 3rd, 2023: In Social Studies, Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse 5th Graders have been learning about the Aztec, Inca and Mayan Civilizations. They learned how the civilizations were alike and different. Atoms learned about the different social classes within each civilization and their leaders. They learned how the sundial was used to indicate the time of day by the position of the shadow cast upon it. Students also learned that totems are a natural object or animal that is believed by a particular society to have spiritual significance and that is adopted by it as an emblem. A totem can be a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol that serves as an emblem of a group of people, such as a family, clan, lineage, or tribe.
Scholars chose six animals that represented them and created a totem of their own.
Thursday, November 2, 2023: Our 5th-grade students were lucky to have a visit from Dr. Leanne Powers, assistant professor of chemistry at SUNY ESF. Her specialty is Oceanography, and she studies the chemistry that takes place in the ocean waters.
Dr. Powers showed Atoms pictures from expeditions she calls "science parties at sea.” She explained some of the work she's done in laboratories on vessels of various sizes, explained the types of equipment that are used to collect samples from the ocean, and discussed how the ocean is different at 4,000 meters than we might expect.
We learned that styrofoam cups have all of the carbon crushed out of them at that depth, resulting in a new miniature version of the original cup!
We ended the visit with the promise of our very own decorated cups going on the next ocean expedition with Dr. Powers. She agreed to return them for us to keep in our STEAM room!
Friday, October 27th, 2023: Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse Elementary celebrated Heritage Day! Throughout the month, we researched countries that represented the cultures at Citizenship Academy. We created crafts representing us as individuals and how we come together as a school family. On Heritage Day, we dressed in attire that celebrated, honored, and highlighted the rich cultures within our classrooms. Students wore clothing that represented their backgrounds. Students could display their clothing and attire with classmates and teachers.
Thank you to students, staff, and parents for coming together to make this day great!
From a student: "Hello I‘m from Sudan. My name is Munasa. I love Sudan, and Allah let us all reach Jannah together. Thank you so much for reading this. I wear my hijab because it shows modesty and how strong my beliefs are."
"Hi, I'm Nyaliep. I’m from South Sudan. I love my culture and the people in my culture. We have a house gown for boys and girls. Anybody can wear it. I wore it today because of Heritage Month and I'm proud of it. I want to learn it, but I'm struggling to. I hope one day I can be fluent in speaking Arabic. My full name is Nyaliep Patrice Dak. My whole name means “girl in waiting.” I love love love African food. That's all about me and my cultural home."
We promised something special for the spooky season, and we are delivering. Coming to you straight from Nevermore Academy… I mean SANY… we present “The Atoms Family.” Don't miss out on this highly unique take on a classic where cartoon-like gothic macabre meets a twist of contemporary humor. Plus, you’ll definitely want to see Wednesday’s killer dance moves.
Whether you’re a newcomer to the Addams Family or a seasoned veteran, there’s something here for everyone to love.
So do us all a favor, grab your friends and neighbors, no don’t you wait ‘till later…. Here’s the Atoms Family! *Snap* *Snap*
If you want to be part of the Atoms Family, visit apply.sany.org.
Wednesday, October 18th, 2023: Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse Elementary Atoms got familiar with the different parts of the ukulele, strummed a few notes, and most importantly, smiled a lot!
We love seeing our scholars learn new skills.
Saturday, October 14th, 2023: Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse Elementary students participated in the CNY Steamboat Challenge at the MOST. Atoms worked extremely hard on their design while testing and making changes to ensure they had the best possible outcome. Students begin by designing the boats. After designing the boats, the students used the engineering design process to design their boilers. The boiler is what creates the steam and provides power for the boat to move.
Mr. Zinger is extremely proud of our Atoms' accomplishments and their hard work!
Tuesday, October 10th, 2023: Mrs. Daniel’s reading groups at Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse Elementary worked hard on their Chromebooks. Some Atoms were completing assessments, and some were working on a lesson. We have many flexible seating options thanks to a recent donorschoose project getting funded! Our Atoms love having comfortable options to work around the room!
Wednesday, October 11th, 2023: The Citizenship & Science Academy of Syracuse Elementary Atomic Singers Club had its first meeting! Atomic Singers is an enrichment activity that allows students to learn popular music, sing in harmony, and enhance teamwork skills after school.
Monday, October 2nd, 2023: Harry Potter, Captain Underpants, A Wrinkle in Time, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Bridge to Terabithia. What do these book titles have in common? They are all censored or challenged books.
October 1-7 is Banned Books Week. This year’s theme is Let Freedom Read. We are taking the time to recognize censorship and how it can be reversed so students like ours can still access these books and others considered “banned.” It is important for scholars to have free and open access to information and to support the freedom to express ideas.
Tuesday, September 26th, 2023: Check out our fantastic writing strokes and shapes! Citizenship & Science Academy of Science Kindergarteners got out the Play-Doh and practiced making squares, triangles, and circles. While doing this, students discovered they could put together writing strokes to make something new, like a shape. This will be important to remember when it comes time to write letters.