CSAS Elementary School
Syracuse, NY 13207
CSAS Middle School
Liverpool, NY 13088
Wednesday, May 12th, 2021—In honor of National School Nurse Day, Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school would like to take this moment to thank our school nurse for playing such a vital role not only this past school year but each and every day. These healthcare heroes make sure that our school remains a safe, and healthy place where all students feel included and encouraged to learn especially during this unprecedented time in our nation's history. School nurses make a difference! Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and selfless commitment to the Atoms, teachers, faculty and staff. Happy School Nurse Day!
Tuesday, May 4th, 2021—A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away there were Atoms or should we say Jedi Masters in Training celebrating May Fourth - a Star Wars inspired day. Mr. Cognetti attempted to defend the school from Jedi Master McGriff, but he needed help from a young Jedi Master to help save the day. May the Fourth be with you!
Friday, April 30th, 2021—It’s official, Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship first grade Atoms in Miss Cutrone and Mr. Martin's 1st grade class have officially become published authors. As any published author knows, this significant feat doesn’t happen overnight. There are many steps involved in this process. Thanks to the help of Amplify Education students work through the various steps in the writing process. These steps include drafting, writing, and editing their research on their topic. Their topic was to write about their favorite animal.
These best selling short stories are of course autographed by the author themselves, and we are sure in due time they will make the New York Times bestsellers list. Congratulations, Atoms a job well done!
Tuesday, April 20th, 2021—Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school would like to recognize first grade teacher, Ms. Mays for its Teacher Spotlight. Going above and beyond the call of duty, Ms. Mays utilizes her creativity by designing lesson plans that are not only fun, exciting and creative but they also foster high student engagement. Each and every day, Ms. Mays strives to challenge the Atoms and ensures everyone is supported and can have a successful academic career. Words cannot express how grateful and thankful Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship is for having Ms. Mays as a first grade teacher! Thank you, Ms. Mays for all that you do (and continue to do) for the Atoms, their families, and your fellow teachers.
Friday, April 16th, 2021—Earlier this year, the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship students in Mrs. Badman’s 2nd grade class set a goal for them to achieve this school year. With hard work, dedication and perseverance the Atoms reached their goal earlier this month. The reward for reaching their goal was being able to invite a furry, squishy, fluffy stuffed animal friend to join them for Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) time. DEAR time is a favorite amongst the Atoms, as they practice their reading fluency skills, and they have an opportunity to explore a variety of children's books and novels. Plus, who doesn’t love reading aloud to a stuffed animal friend. Keep up the great work, Atoms!
Thursday, April 15th, 2021—Who doesn’t love a hands-on, minds-on learning experience? The fourth grade students in Mrs. Hebbert’s class expressed their creativity when tasked with using math manipulatives to create a design that shows symmetrical balance. For this activity, students demonstrate their understanding of bilateral symmetry or reflection symmetry, where an object is mirrored or reflected across a plane to create another instance of itself. Super creative Atoms, keep up the great work!
Friday, April 16th, 2021—Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school is excited to share its latest classroom installation project. As teachers and administrators get ready to welcome back additional Atoms to the classrooms, clear whiteboard dividers were installed to the students desk to help ensure the health and safety of all, as well as aid in a fun and creative hands-on, minds-on learning tool for the students to use for various classroom activities.
Tuesday, April 13th, 2021—Another ‘SLAM DUNK’ of a gym class for the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship 4th grade Atoms. Okay, so it was almost a slam dunk … The students have been busy working on and practicing the fundamentals of basketball, thanks to SUNY Cortland intern, Mr. G. This past week, he has taught the Atoms how to properly dribble with both the right and left hand. In addition, Mr. G has also been teaching the Atoms various basketball terminology as well as important skills to have for the game. Click here to watch a short video of the Atoms practicing their dribbling skills.
Friday, April 9th, 2021—Unseasonably warm temperatures in Central New York can only mean one thing, fun in the sun with the Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school Atoms! The students took full advantage of the warm days last week and soaked up the sun during their outdoor recess. Atoms enjoyed playing not only on the playground, but expressing their creativity with sidewalk chalk, and of course sliding down the slide. While this week is pretty gloomy outside, we are all looking forward to having the warm temperatures return.
Friday, March 26th, 2021—Let’s build a bridge, Atoms! Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship elementary school students received their latest STEM-to-Go kit where students will be tasked with completing this fun hands-on, minds-on engineering challenge. The focus of this month’ STEM-to-Go Kit encourages the students to learn about Gravity and Force.
In their STEM-to-Go kit Atoms found toothpicks and marshmallows which will be used to construct the strongest bridge they can imagine. The students must construct a bridge with no support in the middle and measure how much weight it can hold before it collapses. We encourage students to use coins to measure the weight of their bridge. Please click here to watch a video from Mr. Roney explaining this month’s STEM-to-Go kit Challenge. Also, please remember to take plenty of pictures or videos of the students constructing their bridges.
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021—The fifth grade Atoms in Ms. Barker’s class was busy at work learning about fractions. Some days, understanding fractions can be challenging, but with this fun, creative hands-on, minds-on exercise the Atoms are taking the learning into their own hands, literally! Students created fraction strip manipulatives which will allow them to better understand and comprehend the material. Students are able to use these fraction strip manipulatives how they see best fit, to solve various fraction equations for their classwork and homework. Keep up the great work, Atoms!