CSAS Elementary School
Syracuse, NY 13207
CSAS Middle School
Liverpool, NY 13088
Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship provides an opportunity for school personnel, student, and public to make public comment about our district safety plan.
Public hearing meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 2pm.
Meeting will be online. Please click here to join the meeting.
Meeting ID: 84993845923
Password: 973685
Join by phone: (US) +1 669-900-6833
Welcome back students, parents, and staff to #SASCCS for 2020-21 school year. Stay safe and healthy #SASCAtoms
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The SANY mission is to provide support, challenges and opportunities for its students through education. It also remains critical that our students continue to receive safe, healthy, and nutritious food. In an effort to bridge the access to nutritious food SANY has utilized MyPaymentsPlus.com as a way for families to “order” meals.
If your student is new to SANY or you have not set up a MyPaymentsPlus.com account you will need your student(s) school ID. Should you need your student’s ID please contact the main office of the school your student attends. Reference enclosed instructions for more assistance with account set up.
Once you log into MyPaymentsPlus.com you will be on the parent home page, select the Events & Activities. You will see a list of available activities for your student, look for Remote Learning Meals (this is for students that are remote learning only), Mon/Tues Students (this is for students attending in person classes on Mondays and Tuesdays) or Thurs/Friday Students (this is for students attending in person classes on Thursday and Fridays). Look for “How To Pre-Order Meals” video on all SANY social media platforms.
Please note that Remote Learning Meals will be used until your student starts to attend in-person classes.
Should you need meals starting September 8th, the order must be in by NOON September 4th.
After September 4th, the cut-off for ordering will be every Wednesday by midnight, the week prior to when the meals will be needed.
Please watch the provided video below on how to register and/or how to order meals.
Please see link below for the my payments plus website:
In order to ensure that families have enough storage space pick up will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday will provide breakfast and lunch for Wednesday and Thursday; Thursday will provide breakfast and lunch for Friday, Monday and Tuesday.
We are in this together and together we will get through this interesting time.
We wish you a healthy and safe school year.
Dear Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship Elementary School families,
After assessing our reopening plan with teachers, parents, families, and community members' input, we have made some changes to our reopening plan in order to ensure the health and safety of our students, families, staff, and community, while continuing to support the social-emotional and academic growth of our students.
Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship Elementary school's first day of school will remain September 8th, we will begin with one (1) week of online instruction. After the initial week online, we will begin to bring back each grade level for hybrid instruction one week at a time. Following a staggered schedule to return students back to school will give the school additional time to meet with new families and prepare classrooms. It will also allow us to teach our Kindergarten students foundational skills in a smaller environment. In addition, it will give all students, whether they selected hybrid or full-time online, an opportunity to acclimate to online instruction with the full support of their teachers and administrators.
All families will receive a dojo message with your child's teacher's name, the instructional model that you selected, and if you selected hybrid, the 2 days that your child will attend in person.
Any families who selected full-time online instruction will remain online throughout the staggered return dates.
The schedule will be as follows:
➡ Week 1: September 8th - September 11th
Grades K through 5 will begin online instruction begins September 8th.
➡ Week 2: September 14th - September 18th
Families who selected the hybrid model will send their Kindergarten students to school following their scheduled days starting on September 14th. Grades 1 to 5 will remain online.
➡ Week 3: September 21st - 25th
Families who selected the hybrid model will send their First and Second Grade students to school following their scheduled days starting on September 21st. Grades 3 to 5 will remain online.
➡ Week 4: September 28th
Families who selected the hybrid model will send their Third through Fifth grade students to school following their scheduled days on September 28th. All families who selected full-time online, will remain online.
The health and safety of our school community is of the utmost importance. Staggering the return of students allows us the unique opportunity to take a measured approach to returning students back to school.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to your student’s teacher or contact the main office at
Friday, August 14, 2020 — The 2020-2021 Academic Calendar is now available! Please visit the Academic Calendar page on our website to download your copy today. This is a great way to stay up to date with all the latest events, holidays and more. Please note, the first day of school is Tuesday, September 8th. Have a great summer Atoms!
Tuesday, July 21, 2020—Educating Students of Color
You’re Invited to a Free Online Town Hall presented by the Mohawk Valley Frontiers, Jr. Frontiers, and Jr. Frontiers Alumni Impact Coalition in cooperation with The Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties.
Tuesday, July 21, 10 a.m - Noon
A group of panelists will examine the challenges confronting educators when working with students of color and best practices to address them. Teachers, educators, parents and students are welcome to attend this educational event.
Online: www.bit.ly/2DqDaip
Phone: 1-646-876-9923
Zoom Meeting ID: 82338312175 Password: 610115
This event will also be on Facebook Live, www.facebook.com/foundationhoc
Friday, July 10, 2020—Due to supply chain interruptions caused by the global pandemic, all #SASCCS uniform orders must be placed by July 31. All orders must be placed online and shipped directly. Order Now ➡️ www.sasccs.org/uniform
Monday, July 6, 2020—All kids and teens welcome to get a healthy, delicious meal in a safe place. Text 'FOOD' to 877-877 to find the @USDA free summer meal closest to you or call 211 or visit https://www.fns.usda.gov/meals4kids to find a location near you.
Friday, July 3, 2020—From the Science Academies of New York, we want to wish you a safe and happy holiday weekend.
Dear SANY Family,
On behalf of our grieving school community, I am writing to express my sincere sorrow about the death of George Floyd and the deeply troubling circumstances surrounding his death earlier this week. Videos from eyewitnesses clearly show Mr. Floyd was in custody, handcuffed, and pinned to the ground while a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck. Before he lost consciousness and died, Mr. Floyd was able to say he could not breathe. His wrongful death comes while we still grapple with the death of Breonna Taylor, an unarmed 26-year-old black woman who was shot by police in her apartment, and the death of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old black man who was shot while jogging in a Georgia suburb.
With families, colleagues, and loved ones, we grieve and stand committed to calling for justice for George, Breonna, and Ahmaud. We speak against the utter absence of humanity in these acts. Hatred, bigotry, and violence against anyone anywhere shatters peace and affects all of us.
As a community, we wish for true peace everywhere, but it can only grow where the evils of racism and ethnic and religious bigotry are rooted out. I encourage you to be unwavering in your dedication to fostering and demanding respect for all. I call on everyone in the SANY family to stand together with renewed vigor to end racism by sowing the seeds of peace every day, everywhere.
Let us unite to build a better future based on peace, justice, and equality for all.
Tolga Hayali
Science Academies of New York
Monday, May 25, 2020—In observance of Memorial Day, there will be no school on Monday, May 25th. Classes will resume on Tuesday, May 26th. Enjoy this long weekend, Atoms!